Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Chapter 1 Media Article

"George Bush and the Four Horsemen", dissidentvoice.org, Oct 11th, 2005

The article is basically telling how George W. Bush is not only ruining the country of iraq, but his own country as well. The author defines Bush as "the greatest catastrophe in the nation’s 200-year history." According to the article, the next 6 months will be chaotic for the USA if things continue to progress at the same rate. Experts are predicting that oil supplies will not meet demand in the first quarter of 2006. This is expected to cause oil prices to sky-rocket, long lines at gas stations, a downward trend in the economy, and a declining dollar. The article also stated that "Oil supplies are stretched to the limit and available resources are reaching the point of diminishing returns." which basically means that the value of resources are reaching a point where it will no longer generate sufficient income to support itself.

Relevance to Ch. 1 - resources, scarcity, and the Law of Diminishing Returns

Well, the main thing that grabbed my attention in this article is, "Oil supplies are stretched to the limit and available resources are reaching the point of diminishing returns" Not only is that statement valid in terms of scarcity, but also towards the Law of Diminishing Returns. I think my article is pretty self-explanitory as to it's relevance to those two things. As for the george w bush bashing in the article... that was just a bonus.